Daniela Christine Plattner
Heigerleinstraße 60/4/416, 1160 Wien
+43 680 2121 932
Copyright: © 2020 Daniela Christine Plattner
The logo was created with Namecheap logo maker.
All pictures were taken by my partner-in-crime who wants to remain unnamed. Thank you for everything.
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The information published on this website has been produced and reviewed to the best of the authors’ knowledge. However, we explicitly make no guarantee that the details provided are complete, accurate and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all links to other websites, whether direct or indirect. All information is subject to change, amendment or removal without prior notice.
Yoga exercises and similar activities should always be practiced under the guidance of an authorized teacher. The advice and corrections provided at Dany Christine do not constitute an alternative to a consultation with a doctor or a healthcare professional authorized in accordance with Austrian law. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content.
Online Dispute Resolution website of the EU Commission
In order for consumers and traders to resolve a dispute out-of-court, the European Commission developed the Online Dispute Resolution Website: Any complaints can also be emailed to
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